Textured Wall Finishes and Decorative Paint

Texture paint and wall finishes can really transform your space and add character. Explore our line of concrete finish paints, decorative wall finishes and texture paint coatings for design options that are sure to make heads turn.

Whether you need to spruce up the architectural features of your office or revamp the look of your home’s interiors, you will find an AA Colortek decorative wall finish to suit your needs. At Schemes, we have a wide range of interior and exterior decorative wall finishing solutions that include textured wall paints and plasters. We also offer customized design solutions for haute couture finishes.

We have decorative coverings for different types of surfaces including blockwork, brickwork, cement, plaster, gypsum board and more. With the variety of colors, patterns and effects on hand, you can mix and match to create your own unique blend or use as is – it’s up to your project requirements and imagination.

Interior Decorative Wall Finishings

Transform your vision into reality and meet the most demanding project requirements with Colortek’s line of interior decorative concrete paints, wall finishes and more.

Exterior Wall Texture Paint

Transform facades and vertical surfaces into art with our selection of exterior texture paints. With our decorative textured wall paint finishes and renders, you can create a lasting impression as you protect surfaces from outside elements.

Let’s bring your vision to life. Schedule your free design session now.